The Urania association performed several outreach activities at the Antola Observatory; now the openings are taken care of by the Association StarAntola.
The main outreach activities of ORSA target high-school and university students, and the general public.
- 2023: data taking from remote by Japanese high school students, who gained a prize for their results (contact person Davide Ricci)
- 2023: astrophysics stage for high-school students as a part of the national program for scientific faculties
- 2023: participation in Art and Science across Italy
- 2022: participation in the National Space Day
- 2022: astrophysics stage for high-school students as a part of the national program for scientific faculties
- 2021: participation in the National Space Day
- 2021: participation in the Festival della Scienza 2021
- 2021: participation in the European Research Night
- 2021: participation in the Festival of Space 2021
- 2020: astrophysics stage for high-school students as a part of the national program for scientific faculties
- 2020: seminar by Chiara Righi at the Osservatorio Astronomico di Genova
- 2020: pictures of OARPAF (Chiara Righi) have been included in the exposition A che punto è la notte, organized by Physical Pub. The exposition also took part in Festival della Scienza 2020.
- 2020: astrophysics stage for high-school students as a part of the national program for scientific faculties. The stage was organized and chaired by Silvano Tosi with Luca Paganin, Matteo Pisano, Ilaria Viale
- 2019: seminar by Davide Ricci at Mu.MA within Festival della Scienza 2019
- 2019: organization of the event to celebrate 50 years from the landing on the Moon
- 2019: participation in the event for high-school studente Art and Science
- 2019: seminar by Silvano Tosi at Museo Archeologico di Sestri Levante
- 2019: seminar by Silvano Tosi at Biblioteca Berio in Genova
- 2019: astrophysics stage for high-school students as a part of the national program for scientific faculties. The stage was organized and chaired by Silvano Tosi with Bianca Bottino
- 2018: laboratory “Starlights” at Festival della Scienza 2018
- 2018: seminar by Silvano Tosi as a part of the series “I venerdì del Sestante” in Sestri Levante.
- 2018: event for the general public during S.Lorenzo Night
- 2018: Chiara Righi seminar at Pint Of Science in Milano
- 2018: Alba Domi seminar at Pint Of Science in Genova
- 2018: Davide Ricci seminar at the event “Navigando con le stelle” in Genova
- 2018: astrophysics stage for high-school students as a part of the national program for scientific faculties. The stage was organized and chaired by Silvano Tosi with Nicola Alchera and Anna Lucia de Marco.
- 2017 Silvano Tosi seminar as a part of the series A sea of science
- 2017 Davide Ricci seminar as a part of the event Space Festival 2017
- 2017 Marco Pallavicini seminar as a part of Univercity
- 2017: seminar by Silvano Tosi in the series “The Fridays of Il Sestante” in Chiavari.
- 2017: event Il cielo con un dito at the Festival of Science 2017, jointly with INAF-Osservatorio di Brera and Konika-Minolta
- 2017: project presented for a call by Europlanet for th divulgation of planetary science. A webseries has been prepared to participate in the call, partly filmed at the Antola Observatory. From an idea by Davide Ricci.
- 2017: astrophysics stage for high-school students as a part of the national program for scientific faculties. The stage was organized and chaired by Chiara Righi and Lorenzo Cabona, with Andrea La Camera and Davide Ricci.
- 2017: classes for third-age university
- 2016: astrophysics stage for high-school students as a part of the national program for scientific faculties. The stage was organized and chaired by Chiara Righi, Lorenzo Cabona, Andrea La Camera with the participation of Vanessa D’Amario and Simone Devoto.
- 2015: promotion of the Antola Observatory during the “Giro d’Italia” cycling event
- 2015: seminar by Andrea La Camera presenting preliminary measurements from the Antola Observatory in a series of seminars for the UNESCO International Year of Light
- 2015: astrophysics stage for high-school students as a part of the national program for scientific faculties. The stage was organized and chaired by Chiara Righi and Andrea La Camera.