80-cm Telescope
Alt-azimuthal mount 80cm telescope by Astelco, managed for what concerns the scientific activity by the Physics Department (DIFI) of the University of Genova, Italy.
The instrument was fully-characterized with standard stars observations in all the available filters for zero-point determination and extinction coefficient. The results of the commissioning have been published by the Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments and Systems: the pre-review version is available on the arXiv server.

Focal station
The telescope accounts with a double focal station:
- the first, provided with a field derotator, is dedicated to science observations, and currently equipped with an air-cooled CCD camera (3 CCDs are available:
Sbig STL 11000M
ATIK 11000M
andSbig STL 11000M
) and a standard UBVRI Johnson filter wheel; - the second is dedicated to amateurs and set up for several optical oculars.
Pointing and position of the secondary mirror are currently controlled using the proprietary AstelOS
software, provided by the constructor, on a dedicated Linux machine, while the image data capture is managed by the MaxIm
software, running under Windows on a laptop directly connected to the camera.
The time stamp is obtained via a GPS antenna device.
Further telescope tests allowed to carry out the pointing and tracking accuracy, and a python
image reduction pipeline was set up.
Concerning the Sbig STL 11000M
ATIK 11000M
and Sbig STL 11000M
CCD cameras commissioning, deep tests allowed to calculate
- gain,
- readout noise,
- dark current,
- plate scale,
- linearity regime.
Two spectrographs are available: an Echelle spectrograph provided with the telescope with a fiber optic link, and a LHIRES-III.
Further projects aims at the remotization and robotization of the telescope with the rts2
framework, and the use of cutting-edge websocket-based solutions are under development.