Physics master degree theses
- 2021: Matteo Santostefano, “Design of data analysis and data acquisition instruments for measurements of exoplanetary transits”, advisors Gianangelo Bracco, Lorenzo Cabona, Davide Ricci
- 2021: Matteo Ferro, “Design of a polarimetry system for high-energy astrophysics”, advisors Gianangelo Bracco, Marco Landoni
- 2020: Ilaria Viale, “Multi-wavelength study of astrophysical sources of very high energy photons and neutrinos”, advisors Chiara Righi, Fabrizio Tavecchio, Silvano Tosi
- 2019: Francesco Nicolosi, “Commissioning of the instrumentation of the astronomical observatory of the Antola Reserve and application to photometry of gravitational lenses”, advisors Alba Domi and Silvano Tosi
- 2018: Gaia Verna, “Estimation of CTA potentiality in the search of galactic cosmic ray accelerators”, advisors Heide Costantini and Silvano Tosi
- 2018: Nicole Dolcino “Theoretical and experimental aspects of the determination of the Hubble constant, in the frame of the Cosmological Standard Model”, advisors Nicola Maggiore and Silvano Tosi
- 2017: Nicola Alchera “A study of the measurement of the Hubble constant with the time-delay method in the observation of gravitationally-lensed quasars”, advisors Nicola Maggiore and Silvano Tosi
- 2017: Jacopo Montaruli “The viewing angle of jets of radio-loud AGNs and their SED properties: an independent test of the external Compton model for large-scale jets”, advisors Fabrizio Tavecchio, Tosi Silvano and Righi Chiara
- 2017: Anna Lucia de Marco “Evolution of super massive black holes as seen in the hard X-ray domain”, advisors Silvano Tosi, Fabrizio Parodi and Volker Beckmann
- 2016: Lorenzo Cabona “Commissioning of the Antola Observatory. Determination of the performances of the spectrograph and a first scientific measurement: observation of exoplanet transits”, advisors Tosi Silvano, La Camera Andrea and Landoni Marco
- 2015: Chiara Righi “Photometric variability of weak emission line quasars. A tool for understanding the actual nature of the source: blazar or QSO? From instrument calibrations to science”, advisors Tosi Silvano, La Camera Andrea and Landoni Marco
Material science master degree theses
- 2019: Anna Marini, “Patterning of photochromic hydrazones”, advisors Andrea Bianco and Silvano Tosi
- 2018: Mariachiara Mantero, “Developments of synthetic holograms based on photochromic polymeric films”, advisors Andrea Bianco and Silvano Tosi
Computer Science undergrad theses
- Andrea Dellacasa “Remotization of the instrumentation of the Antola Observatory”, advisors Ancona Massimo and Boccacci Patrizia
PhD in Physics
- 2018: Luca Paganin started his PhD at Università di Genova with also topics linked to the activities at the Antola Observatory
- 2016: Lorenzo Cabona started his PhD at Università dell’Insubria and INAF-Osservatorio di Brera and mantains a collaboration with ORSA for some experimental activities at the Antola Observatory
- 2015: Chiara Righi started her PhD at Università dell’Insubria and INAF-Osservatorio di Brera and mantains a collaboration with ORSA for some experimental activities at the Antola Observatory
PhD in Science and Technology of Materials
- 2019: Anna Marini started her PhD at Università di Genova on topics linked to the characterization of new materials for experiments in astrophysics.
PhD in Science and Technology of the Environment and the Earth
- 2020: Evandro Balbi started his PhD at Università di Genova on topics linked to exoplanetary studies using a comparison with rocky planets of the solar system.
Undergrad program for the faculty of Physics
- as a part of the course of “Nuclear and Particle Physics and Astrophysics 1” students visited the Antola Observatory.
Master degree program for the faculty of Physics
- as a part of the course of “Astrophysics and cosmology”, several students performed measurements using the Antola telescope; data taken there are used to illustrate simple astrophysical cases.
- the new course on “Experimental Astrophysics” will include the possibliity of measurements at the Antola Observatory.
- Among the works that boosted the commissioning of the instrumentation and the data analysis techniques used for measurements with the Antola telescope we highlight:
- 2019: Francesco Nicolosi (gravitational lensing)
- 2018: Matteo Vicenzi (exoplanets)
- 2016: Nicolò Ginatta (exoplanet transits fit)
- 2015: Vanessa D’Amario (RGB filter tools)
- 2015: Lorenzo Cabona (spectrograph calibration)
- 2015: Simone Devoto (AGN studies)
- 2014: Chiara Righi (Uranus spectrum and AGN)
Physics PhD program
- as a part of the course of “Optical Astronomy” (Silvano Tosi, 2017) data and measurements taken at the Antola Observatory are used to illustrate photometric techinques
- Alessio Cirone, Alba Domi, Alessandro Lapertosa: setup of the observation campaign of the multiple images of quasar 0957+561 and a first photometric measurement
- Fabrizio Tavecchio and Marco Landoni of INAF-Osservatorio di Brera during 2018 will give two courses to students of the PhD School in Physics of the University of Genova: Introduction to ultra-high energy astrophysics and Introduction to spectroscopical techniques in astrophysics
Third-age University
- starting from the academic year 2016-2017, 3 lessons that illustrate research topics and methods used at the Antola Observatory are part of the academic program for third-age university. The lessons are given by Andrea La Camera, Chiara Righi, Davide Ricci, Silvano Tosi.