Tesi: Commissioning of the Antola Observatory.

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Tesi di Laurea: Lorenzo Cabona Data: 2016-05-26 Relatori: Silvano Tosi Carlo Schiavi Andrea La Camera Marco Landoni Titolo: Thesis: Commissioning of the Antola Observatory. Determination of the performances of the spectrograph and a first scientific measurement: observation of exoplanet transits https://dida.fisica.unige.it/dida/gestione-documenti/doc_details/350-201606cabona-lorenzo.html

Photometric variability of weak emission line quasars. A tool for understanding the actual nature of the source: blazar or QSO? From instrument calibrations to science

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Tesi di Laurea: Chiara Righi Data: 2015-08-27 Relatori: Silvano Tosi Andrea La Camera Marco Landoni Marco Pallavicini Titolo: Photometric variability of weak emission line quasars. A tool for understanding the actual nature of the source: blazar or QSO? From instrument … Continua a leggere

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